15 Top Tips to Make Impression on First Day at Work Outfit

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Landing a dream job is not so easy. You had struggled a lot to find the dream job. You had faced many rejections from the interviewers. Finally, you had cracked the interview at your dream organization and Starting a new job anxiety.

So, what are your plans for this precious day? We know that most of you are figuring out what to wear and how to impress boss and colleagues. Right? You are aware that the first impression is crucial to stand out on the first day at work. Now, what next?

Are you ready for your new job? You are excited about this day. Perhaps, you will be stressful and somewhat nervous. It may be scary just like the first day of school or college. But do you know that it is normal to feel tensed and excited?

We bring you fifteen tips that will help you to prove your skills at work and make yourself productive on day one.

1. Keep Your Documents Ready

Your first day may spend in completing all the formalities - filling up forms, induction, submitting documents, etc.

So, it would be better from the human resources department to ask all the necessary documents in advance that you have to submit.

Once you get a list, just keep them together in the document folder to avoid any last minute hassles.

2. Learn About Your New Employer

Before attending an interview, you had researched a lot about your company. But your learning should not end here. You should try to gather as much as information about your company and new employee announcement press release. Just read its brochures or check LinkedIn/Facebook company's page etc.

No doubt, a person is always judged by his/her outfit. So, a newcomer should select his or her attire carefully. You should try to understand what outfit would be appropriate for your industry.

It would be great if you know the dress code and HR policies. If your company has a dress code, you should follow it.

On day one, you should reach the office on time - neither too early nor too late. Leave your place early as you don't know the route or traffic chaos. There are many people all over the world who reach office late.

The main reason is that they don't realize the impact of punctuality. If you arrive at your workplace timely, you can garner attention and respect from your seniors.

5. Carry A Pen and Paper

Seriously! It is essential! The chances are that you will get stationary like a pen and notepad from your new employer. But you should prepare yourself with your own stationery.

You can jot down all the important points quickly which are shared by other people. Don't forget to review all the notes at the end of the day.

Being a new employee, it may possible that you have to face a lot of challenges during the first week of joining. But don't be disappointed at this point.

We all know that nothing is impossible in the world as 'impossible' world itself says 'I am possible'. So, just keep trying and you will surely overcome this situation.

7. Listen carefully

During the first weeks, you should be a good listener. The good listening skills will let you grasp the things quickly and avoid mistakes. It is the time when you can absorb as much as information you can.

However, many questions will haunt in your mind. But you should choose them wisely and ask others with full confidence.

8. Work Proactively

Many companies assign their new employee's small projects so that they can easily handle. So, if you have finished your work time and have some extra time, then you can ask your boss for some work. It will help you create a good image for the company.

9. Be Socialize with Anxiety

At your workplace, your colleagues will invite you lunch or coffee. So, you should join them. We will not suggest you hamper your work. But you should try to make new friends and fit yourself into the new environment.

10. Stay Away from office politics

Mind your business! Yes, absolutely right! When you join a company, you just know your seniors and co-workers, but not much. The time changes when office gossip starts.

Some people will share their personal feelings about the company and notice your impressions. Keep yourself neutral in this case.

If there is something which bothers you, then it would be great to ask from your senior or human resource department.

For example, if you want to know about your salary break-up, then go directly to the concerned person to understand your salary breakup, salary structure, and its components.

11. Don't Hesitate to Ask Questions

When you join a new organization, you will come to know about their projects. You will get a chance to learn new things from your seniors. If you have any query regarding your work, then don't hesitate to ask.

Nobody will expect from you stellar performance from the day of joining. So, it is better to clarify all the doubts to complete the given task without committing any mistake.

Being an employee, you ought to maintain office decorum - whether it is wearing ID cards, maintaining silence or taking breaks.

There may be chances that you will not get all the facilities at your new workplace just like your old office. But there is something that makes you determined to switch.

13. Stay Yourself Organized

Just set up a system to track all the appointments, meetings, project deadlines, and assignments. You can use the online calendar to set up reminders for all the deadlines. Either, you can make a to-do list at the beginning and end of the day.

14. Keep Personal Business Limited

According to a study, every person conducts personal business during official timings such as shopping online, making reservations, texting, checking Whats App messages or personal emails. So, you should conduct a limit amount of time. Just focus on your work. If there is an urgent phone call, then just step away to attend. Learn 16 ways to maintain work-life balance!

Last but not least - be relaxed. Keep smiling J and have a great experience. Remember that everyone has first-day in the workplace. So, they probably will understand the situation and help you to fit into the environment.

Hope above-mentioned tips will help you create a good image in the new organization from day one! All the best!! Article Source: EzineArticles.com/9985558

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  • First day at work outfit
  • Starting a new job anxiety
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  • New employee announcement press release
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Dhirendra Pandey
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